ELLEMME S.p.A., since 1984, has been operating in Italy and abroad in the sectors of building redevelopment, realisation of large technological plants and facility management and energy saving services. A company serving industry, the advanced tertiary sector, healthcare and military facilities, public and private buildings.

ELLEMME S.p.A uses innovative management and production techniques and methodologies to meet the different requirements of the European and national market.

Quality, Environment and Safety are our priorities, ethics our value. Each construction site is supervised by qualified in-house personnel assisted by partners specialised in different company sectors: a synergy aimed at the best project realisation on time.

Company flexibility, professionalism and long experience allow us to be unique and reliable interlocutors for:

  • Plant design and construction;
  • Implementation of integrated operation and maintenance systems with high MTFB;
  • Building requalifications with the ‘turnkey’ formula;
  • Energy services

We believe in sharing and communicating clearly with all stakeholders, from the feasibility study to the definition of the intervention process and development of activities, in order to optimise choices and timing. We use all our company resources, the creativity of our designers and the specialisation of our operating personnel to meet our customers’ expectations.

Management Philosophy

For us at ELLEMME, being a successful company means:
- investing in the development of the capacities and potentialities of the structure by exploiting ‘best and good practices’;
- investing in the growth of the reference territory (ELLEMME participates as a protagonist in the realisation of training courses for students, diploma holders and graduates)
- investing in the promotion of any other development initiative (it plays an active role in trade associations, the Order of Engineers and other non-profit organisations).


We work on the continuous improvement of our environmental performance through careful process-oriented management. An energy analysis is the first step in the design process and allows the plant to be calibrated in relation to actual consumption. ELLEMME designs installations to serve buildings, but also more complex installations for theatres or public office buildings. In the design of industrial installations, where it is essential to adapt the design to the production cycle, ELLEMME proposes energy efficiency solutions, guaranteeing high savings and economic advantages right from the start.